Instructions to Tenderers
1. Introduction
1.1 The [name of institution] (hereafter referred to as the Institution) wish to appoint a Contractor to provide [nature of the requirement]. The appointment will be by a process of competitive tender.
1.2 The requirement is set out in the Specification, which is attached as [reference the document]
2. Completion of Tender
Your tender should comprise the documents listed below. Where possible, responses should be given within the documents. Where this is not possible, a separate page should be taken for each question and they should be presented in the order asked.
All documentation should clearly state the tenderer’s name, the tender reference number and the section and question number to which the response relates.
2.1 Form of Tender - Offer letter
Complete, sign and return
2.2 Appendix A - Tenderer’s Submission
Complete by inserting all of the detail requested. Your answers should relate only to the [requirement] and method of recompense set out in the Specification [reference the document] and in Part [section number] - Contract Documents [reference the document]. Prices, if any, for alternative proposals should be included in Appendix C.
The prices you quote should exclude VAT.
This Appendix forms part of the offer made in the Form of Tender.
If you are successful in your tender, the prices you have offered in Appendix A (or in Appendix C, if appropriate) will be entered into the Contract Documents.
Appendix B - Other information required by the Institution
Appendix C - Alternative Proposals (where permitted)
Appendix D - Qualification of the Contract
You are not required to submit any other documents.
2.3 Appendix B - Additional Information Required by the Institution
Section I of this Appendix forms part of the offer made in the Form of Tender.
Section II is for additional information not supplied elsewhere:
(i) Provide copies of your latest 2-years’ published accounts or for the period that is available if trading for less than 2 years.
(ii) If you wish, supply any other information you feel might legitimately support your tender.
Note: If you wish to submit alternative proposals (in addition to the required proposal) these should be included under Appendix C and not under Section II of Appendix B
2.4 Appendix C - Alternative Proposals (where permitted)
Include under this Appendix any alternative proposals you wish to submit for consideration, and their costings. You are not required to complete this Appendix however innovative proposals designed to provide the best value for money would be welcome.
2.5 Appendix D - Qualification of the Contract
Include here details of any areas where you will not be able to comply with the contract as set out in this Invitation to Tender. Qualifications should only be made if you cannot comply with the requirements of the contract at any price.
Note that if your tender is qualified we reserve the right to reject it in total.
3. Electronic Submission of tender documentation [If appropriate to the tender]
Attention is drawn to the instructions for the electronic submissions of tenders as outlined below. It should be noted that the [name of institution]’s Internet ‘firewall’ will not permit receipt of files with attachments exceeding [inset size]. Therefore, the tenderer should ensure that where its attachments exceed this size that the submission is divided into two of more elements to ensure they are permitted entry by the [name of institution].
[Insert specific instructions for electronic submission of tenders]
For more detailed Instructions to Tenderers, especially for procurements above the PCR threshold, see the templates provided in the Generic Tender Documents section.