Procurement Toolkit

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The toolkit consists of a main overarching guide with a series of more in-depth guides providing additional information on specific procurement topics covered in summary by the main guide.

View the Main Guide

An Introduction to Procurement in FE Colleges

The Introduction to Procurement in FE Colleges details the key processes of procurement, why they are important and how to carry them out.  The Introduction is supported by a series of guides designed to provide more in-depth information on specific procurement topics.

Change Request Template

Download an example change request template, used as a written log for change requests and their pricing implications.

Agenda Template

Download an example agenda template for a contract performance management meeting to be used as a starting point in your organisation.

A Guide to Using Framework Agreements

What is a framework agreement?  How do I use them?  What are the benefits of framework agreements?  This guide aims to answer these questions along with advice on above threshold call offs and incumbent suppliers.

A Guide to Tender Evaluation

Four key areas to best practice evaluations, the impact of procurement regulations, award criteria and evaluation methodology and examples of scoring models are discussed in this guide.

A Guide to Supplier Appraisal

What is involved, benefits to the college, financial appraisals and examples of pre qualification questionnaires are discussed in this guide.

A Guide to Project Management

Why is project management important and how do I do it?  This guide aims to answer these questions and provide tools and techniques for successful project management.

A Guide to Managing Supplier Debriefing

This guide provides information on how and when to debrief suppliers on the outcome of a procurement exercise.  It covers areas such as written debriefs, face to face debriefs and the timing of notification of contract award information.

A Guide to Managing Risk

What is risk management? Why is it important? This guide aims to answer these questions and provide advice on developing a risk management process.

A Guide to Managing Above PCR Threshold Tenders

What you need to know when the requirement is subject to the procurement regulations. Including; when the rules apply, valuing a contract, CPV codes, advertising, timescales, specifications, evaluation and standstill periods.

A Guide to E-Tendering

This guide to E-Tendering gives an overview of products, integration opportunities and effort and cost involved.

A Guide to E-Procurement

This guide will help you to find out more about the e-procurement tools available to colleges including e-auctions, e-tendering and e-market places.

A Guide to Drafting Invitation to Tenders

Best practice tips on the contents of invitation to tenders, including a set of standard instructions to tenderers, award criteria, specification, terms and conditions, pricing schedules and tender response forms.

A Guide to Collaborative Procurement

What does it mean, what products and services are suitable for collaboration and what will enable collaborative procurement in my college? This guide discusses these issues and provides a decision making tool for procurement officers when considering collaboration.