- CPC have partnered with ADB to provide CPC Sourcing Cloud - a suite of e-tendering modules:
- Tender – a comprehensive e-tendering solution for running local and PCR procurement exercises
- Contract - a complete contract management solution for recording and maintaining contracts.
- Mutliquote - A dynamic tool for fast sourcing of products
- Mini Comp - A simple and free to use tool for running procurement exercises on CPC frameworks
- Delta e-sourcing - Delta eSourcing is an end-to-end, PCR compliant, full eSourcing web-based service which allows buying organisations to manage tenders, suppliers and contracts in a single solution.
- myTenders Pro - e-tendering system that allows the publishing and managing of tenders subject to The Public Contracts Regulations
- Contracts Finder - the public sector portal to publish your contract award opportunities. From 1 April 2015 all above PCR threshold contract opportunities and contract award notices must be published on Contracts Finder in addition to OJEU. From 1 April 2015 if a College chooses to advertise a contract opportunity of a value of between £25,000 and the appropriate PCR threshold, the contract opportunity must be advertised on Contracts Finder. These Regulations apply to colleges and universities but do not apply to maintained schools or academies. The Crown Commercial Services Guidance on Contracts Finder provides further information.
- Find a Tender Service - the UK portal to publish notices regarding procurements subject to The Public Contracts Regulations