Document (doc) files are files which are typically used for long form text information, such as a report or essay. These doc files can also include images, making them sometimes useful for a downloadable tutorial of a website.They typically come in the .doc and .docx filetype formats, which are created for use with Microsoft Office Word. However, they can still be opened and modified on Open Source Office Suites, such as LibreOffice or OpenOffice.
Waste Management Specification Example
This document is an example of a waste management services specification provided by a medium sized college. This document coulld be useful a
CCS Example GDPR contract clauses
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force on 25 May 2018 affecting all organisations processing personal data, and bringing new
Sub contracted training provision contract example
An example of a contract between a College and a sub contracted third party training provider.
Specification and contract conditions student transport services
An example specification and contract conditions for student transport services.
Contractor Default Notification Letter
An example letter to be sent to contractors that are defaulting against the terms and conditions of contract. This letter notifies them of t
College Employee Conflict of Interest Declaration Form
An example of a Conflict of Interest Declaration Form to be completed by employees of the College involved in a procurement process.
Replacement Lighting Specification
Example of a specification for a replacement lighting project at a School
Example Small Works Projects ITT
An example of an Invitation to Tender that could be used for small works projects below the relevant EU threshold.
Crown Commercial Service TUPE Clause
This is a TUPE clause taken from the Crown Commercial Services Model Service Contract. This document could be used as a starting point to drafting
Sustainable and Social Procurement Policy
An example of a colleges’ sustainable and social procurement policy