Risks when taking delivery

Wrong goods or services supplied


  • Goods are not returned and credit note or the correct goods are not received
  • Goods or services are accepted and institution pays for the wrong products


  • Ensure goods and services are checked for correctness before signing the delivery docket.
  • Ensure the condition of the goods and services is checked before signing the delivery docket.
  • Where it is not practical to check the delivery, clearly mark the delivery note ‘Received but not checked by Name’

Errors in, or problems with, deliveries not identified nor notified promptly to supplier


  • Wrong goods or services are accepted and paid for
  • Delays in notifying of problems will imply acceptance of the goods


  • Ensure goods and services are checked for correctness before signing the delivery docket.
  • Where it is not practical to check the delivery, clearly mark the delivery note ‘Received but not checked by Name’

Paperwork relating to goods being imported from outside the UK is not correct


  • Delays at port of arrival
  • Import duty or customs charged in error


  • Ensure the correct importation documentation is completed and included with the purchase order
  • Ensure clear instructions are included on the purchase order regarding importation paperwork that must travel with the consignment
  • Where equipment is being sent out of the UK for repair, ensure documentation is completed to ensure import duty and customs charges are not applied when re-importing the equipment again

Insufficient delivery address detail or instructions


  • Delivery is made to the wrong location


  • Ensure an unambiguous delivery address is clearly stated on the purchase order
  • If deliveries are to be restricted to specific times, eg between 08.00 and 09.00, state this clearly on the purchase order
  • If specialist equipment will be needed to off-load the delivery, eg forklift truck, ensure that this is clearly stated on the purchase order