Simple measures

Here is a list of simple statistical measures that can be used to provide a snapshot view of what the institution is doing in terms of processing orders and invoices. The analysis in relation to individual suppliers may be confined, in financial terms, to the top 10, 50 or 100.
Supplier profile

  • Number of suppliers falling within stated annual expenditure ranges (eg within the institution's tender threshold ranges)
  • Number of suppliers by commodity grouping
  • Number of suppliers with annual expenditure above the appropriate PCR supplies, services or works thresholds 

Purchase order profile

  • Average order value:
    [No of orders raised during year] /  [Total value of these orders]
  • Average order value per supplier:
    [No of orders raised per supplier] / [Total value of orders per supplier]

Competition profile

  • No of orders with values within each of the institution's quotation/tender thresholds

Use of Frameworks Arrangements

  • Identify suppliers dealt with using framework arrangements
  • The number and value of orders placed with each supplier under the framework arrangements
  • Their average value by supplier

Invoice profile

  • Average invoice value:
    [No of 'purchase order' related invoices paid during year] / [Total value of these invoices]
  • Average invoice value per supplier:
    [No of 'purchase order' invoices paid per supplier] / [Total value of these invoices per supplier]

Procurement Card Profile

  • Average transaction value:
    [No of procurement card transactions] / [Total value of transactions]
  • Average transaction value per supplier:
    [No of procurement card transactions per supplier] / [Total value of these transactions per supplier]

E-Procurement Profile

  • Average transaction value:
    [No of electronic transactions] / [Total value of transactions]
  • Average transaction value per supplier:
    [No of electronic transactions per supplier] / [Total value of these transactions per supplier]