Sample Additional Information Required

Additional Information Required

1. Information required for Inclusion in the Contract

1.1 Name of Contractor:

1.2 Contractor’s Address:

1.3 Name, Designation, Telephone No and e-mail Address of Contractor’s Representative:

2. Other information required [See Instructions to Tenderers, section 2.3]

2.1 A copy of the tenderer’s latest 2-years’ published accounts or for the period that is available if trading for less than two years.

2.2 If you wish to provide any other information in support of your Tender it should be included here.  If the information is contained in separate documents they should be listed here and each should be clearly marked with the Tenderer’s name and the section within the Tender to which is relates.

For more detailed guidance, especially for procurements above EU thresholds, see A Guide to Drafting Invitations to Tenders.