This category attempts to establish the perceived benefits of changes to procedures and working practices. Process re-engineering will have a direct impact on institutional costs while often improving services to end-users. Efficiencies here are most likely to generate uncashable rather cashable benefits ie staff are released to do other work, however, if the impact was great enough, there may be scope for a reduction in the number of staff.
Process re-engineering efficiencies should be assessed and reported at the end of the financial year and reported as a single, factual, entry rather than trying to extrapolate into the future years.
Examples of process re-engineering include:
E1 - Setting up call-off agreements/contracts where fragmented purchasing is currently taking place or joining an arrangement managed by another institution or consortia.
E2 - Procurement cards - Simplify procedures for low value orders
E3 - Consolidated invoices - Simplify procedures for low value orders
E4 - Introduction of electronic trading – Purchase to Pay P2P process
E5 - Introduction of electronic tendering – electronic issue, receipt and/or adjudication of tenders
E6 - Introduction of electronic auctions
E7 - Use of innovative software to manage the use of resources e.g. print management software (not procurement systems)
E8 - Improved service levels due to resource re-structuring eg through the use of central contracts, single source, distribution methods
E9 - Introducing and encouraging new suppliers, thereby increasing competition in the market place
E10 - Other
E 11 - Not specified