There is a legal obligation on institutions to promote equality in all its functions. This is now part of statutory provisions set out in the Equality Act 2010. The Act places obligations on all UK public authorities.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission publication Buying Better Outcomes - is a guide for public authorities on how they can comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty obligations at different stages of the procurement cycle.
Useful Links
Equality Act 2010 Technical Guidance on the Public Sector Equality Duty
British Association for Supported Employment (BASE) - This website gives a wide range of information and services for those interested in supported employment.
Creating Value in a Socially Responsible Way (Remploy) - supported businesses.
OGC Guidance on reserved contracts for supported factories and businesses - supported factories and businesses for people with disabilities have a valuable role in assisting poeple with disabilities to integrate into the labour market. This guidance gives practical advice on what is meant by reserving contracts.